“The public has made it very clear: they want quality healthcare. As a result, we have the "Physician Quality Reporting System" (PQRS). Simply described, PQRS offers a set of penalties and rewards for providers who are able to report quality measures. While such an effort sounds good in theory, the implementation of such a measurement framework, especially for today's anesthesia practice, can be very complicated, expensive, and if executed poorly, will have little impact on the actual patient experience.” Excerpt from the blog of Jeffrey Zavaleta, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Graphium Health and practicing Pediatric Anesthesiologist.
Since we presented PQRS Compliance Reporting is Really Hard webinar, there has been some key elements of change that must be discussed with you. See below.
Category: Financial and Regulatory Compliance; CMS
Since we presented the PQRS Compliance Reporting is Really Hardwebinar, there has been some key elements of change that must be discussed with you. See below.
PQRS Compliance Reporting is Really Hard! Part 2 - Making It More Simple
A Guide for Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Presented by: Dr. Jeff Zavaleta, Chief Medical Officer from Graphium Health as well as a practicing pediatric anesthesiologist.
Moderated by: Cathy Montgomery, RN, President - Excellentia Advisory Group
About: Jeff Zavaleta, MD
Dr. Zaveleta is a Board certified practicing Pediatric Anesthesiologist in Texas. Dr. Zaveleta is also the Chief Medical Officer for Graphium Health and provides medical guidance for development of all Graphium Health products, including a cloud-based, Tablet PC solution for physicians, PeriOperative analytics and reporting tools for the hospital administration, "self-service analytics" bringing big data to the individual, and mobile communication tools to better connect and empower the patient with their healthcare experience.
If your surgery center bills for anesthesia services you are likely concerned about the new PQRS requirements. If you do not currently bill for these services but are considering doing so in the future this will be an eye opener for you. And if you outsource anesthesia, please pass this information along to your anesthesia group for their benefit.
Some of you are already seeing “the letter” arrive for your providers indicating that they will be seeing reimbursement decrease by 2% for 2017 because of a failure to participate with the required 2015 PQRS submission for anesthesia. It is not too late to get on board for 2016 even though you have likely already transmitted some billing. Your requirement for 2016 remains at 50% of services so attending this informative session should allow you plenty of time to set up your systems.
Dr. Jeff Zavaleta, a practicing pediatric anesthesiologist from Graphium Health, will walk you through the rules, the codes, and how to work directly with the Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI) for the submission of your data. He will be providing you some additional free tools that will help you to gather the needed elements in case you are still on hard copy medical records. Because of his strong IT background he will be able address your concerns regarding integration for those of you on EMR.
What will be covered in Part 2?
1) What PQRS measures can be reported?
2) The costs for reporting & consequences of non-compliance?
3) New CMS-approved QCDR options.
4) New rumors & conjecture— 5 Myths that relate to Anesthesia & PQRS.
Price: $139.00 internet connection. If you have already paid for and viewed Part 1, then you are eligible to view Part 2 for free. If you have not received your invitation from Excellentia Advisory Group to see this webinar free, call Susan at 636-875-5088 and bring this to her attention.
If you have not viewed Part 1, you must pay for Part 2 and you will get to see Part 1 for free prior to showing of Part 2. Please proceed to the shopping CART. Again, call Susan at 636-875-5088 and bring this to her attention.
Once you and any/all staff have reviewed this presentation, you will be eligible to receive a Certificate of Participation worth 1.0 Credit Hours of continuing education. You simply contact Susan at events@excellentiagroup.com requesting your certificates, using the Certificate Request Form found in the link below. You will need to provide a typed list of all participants first and last names, position title (RN ,BSN, etc.), license numbers (if professionals) and date of completion.
* Excellentia Advisory Group LLC is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider CEP 15481: Issue Date: 4/6/2010;