CMS Survey Solutions Series 2017: Session #2: Surgical Services, Medical Records, Pharmacy & Others
DVD: Session 2: CMS Survey Solutions Series; Surgical Services, Medical Records, Pharmacy & Others
Version: 2017
We are beginning our CMS Survey Solution Series, which will be broken down into three (3) one and a half hour sessions. Ready your facility for that surprise CMS survey now!
Whether this is your first survey or you are a seasoned veteran, no one likes surprises. This webinar will prepare you greatly through Cathy Montgomery's well-prepared and focused presentation. She will cover all required Standards in the CMS Survey Solution Series, however this webpage is dedicated to Session Two.
Walk away with the tools and organizational readiness that you will need for a successful survey.
This webpage is designed for registering and ordering: CMS-Session Two.
DVD: CMS Survey Solutions Series
Version: 2017
Presented by: Cathy Montgomery, RN, CASC
We are beginning our CMS Survey Solution Series, which will be broken down into three (3) one and a half hour sessions.
The three sessions consist of:
- Session One: Governance, organization, Patients Rights, QA/PI
- Session Two: Surgical services, infection prevention, medical records
- Session Three: Life Safety Codes and Environment
Session Two
Topics of Discussion:
- Surgical Services
- Medical Records
- Pharmacy, Laboratory and Radiology
- Infection Control Program
Surgical Services requires you to address Safe Surgical Checklists (we have copies for you!), Neutral Zone policies, and borrowed instruments (you will get those as one of your handouts), and Sterilization Procedures (we have included those checklists as well).
*2013 HIPAA requirement.
*Do you have RNs administering sedation? There are a few extra policies that you will need for that as well you will find those included in our discussion as well as in your handouts.
*What type of RNs are your surveyors looking for when they visit your facility?
*Do you have an action plan for the recall of drugs?
*Do you know if you need a CLIA waiver and how to get one? CMS updated the directives 9/28/12 and we have a copy for you.
*Do you perform radiologic services? You'll have a list of "To Do" items if you do.
*This webinar is worth one and half Contact Hours of continuing education. Each participant will receive a Certificate of Participation for attending this webinar.
Price: $199.00 / individual 1-1/2 hour session; if you order all three DVD sessions, your price will be discounted to $150.00 / session or $450.00 for the 3 sessions.
CMS training without having to take the time and expense to travel to another city meeting venue.
CLICK HERE to read about Session 1.
CLICK HERE to read about Session 3.
CLICK HERE to see what HANDOUTS will be given out for Session 1, Session 2 and Session 3.
*About CE Contact Hours:
Excellentia Advisory Group LLC is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider CEP 15481
Issue Date: 4/6/2010; for 1.5 contact hours.