Series 2: 14 DVD Set: Infection Prevention Strategies Conference

Series 2

Video Recording of September 27 - 28, 2012 Infection Prevention Strategies Conference

Two Days of Infection Prevention Strategies Specifically Designed for ASC's and Peri-Operative Settings.

This is a DVD set containing a video recording of our 2-day infection control training events in St. Louis, MO.  All presenters are trained or certified (CIC)  in infection control management. This DVD set contains 14 hours of presentation and offers 14 Contact Hours of continuing education.  The DVD set also contains one CD with all PowerPoint/PDF presentations and other documents that support the speaker's presentation.

Availability: In stock

Video Recording of September 27 - 28, 2012 Infection Prevention Strategies Conference


Who Should Purchase this DVD Set:

  • Ambulatory Surgery Centers
  • Hospital Outpatient Surgery Centers
  • Physician Office-Based Surgery
  • AAAHC and/or other Accredited Facilities
  • Hospitals


Two Days of Learning Specifically Designed for ASC's and Peri-Operative Settings. This DVD contains the following topics...

This years new advanced topics will build upon the presentations that were given at 2011's conferences. This conference offers 14 Contact Hours which will cover the following topics:

*Regulations; Federal and State by Michael Peabody, CASC, Administrator & AAAHC Surveyor
*Biohazard Waste; What, When & Where  by Peggy Luebbert, MS,MT(ASCP), CIC, CHSP
*Biofilms; Yes They Can Be Found In Your ASC! Sponsored by Kimberly-Clark Healthcare and presented by Wava Truscott, PhD
*Infection Prevention Strategies in the Environment of Care by Loie Ruhl, RN, BS, CIC
*Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Successful Education in the ASC by Peggy Luebbert, MS,MT(ASCP), CIC, CHSP
*Find It First! Infection Surveillance by Peg Gilbert, RN, MS, CIC
*Instrument Disinfection and Care in an ASC - Part 1. Sponsored by HealthMark Industries, Presented by Steven Kovach
*Instrument Disinfection and Care in an ASC - Part 2. Sponsored by HealthMark Industries, Presented by Steven Kovach
*Chemistry of Disinfection in an ASC and Helpful Products. Sponsored by CERTOL, International, Presented by Peggy Spitzer, RDH, MA.Ed.
*Scope Cleaning and Disinfection. Sponsored by Medivators, Presented by Pam Boulet, RN, BSN, CGRN
*Medication Safety and Q&A With an ASC Pharmacist by Chuck Wilson, RPh
*Your Role in Preventing TASS At Your ASC, by Michael P. Jones, M.D.
*What You Can Do to Prevent C-difficle by Paula Bullock, M.Ed, MT(ASCP), CIC
*How to Create an Infection Control Policies Manual by Cathy Montgomery RN and Mary Bennett, RN, CIC

Some Our Co-Sponsors and Presenters

Certol logo

Healthmark logo

Kimberly-Clark logo

Medivators logo


What Do You Gain From this DVD Set...

Sessions will be taught by CICs and other Infection Control experts.

There will be a strong focus on Infection Control and compliance to CMS for Ambulatory Surgery Centers. Presaentations are targeted to offer practical  and useful information to run your ASC.

•You will get to see Question and Answer Sessions following each presentation.  You will be able to stay in touch with Cathy Montgomery or Mary Bennett via email to ask further questions.

•Each person that views our DVD program will receive a “Certificate of Participation” for 14 –Contact Hours of continuing education. This serves as your proof and documentation during CMS Infection Control surveys.

•The DVD set will also contain one (1)  CD that contains files of the PowerPoint/PDF presentations as well as other pertinent documents that was presented during this conference.



Regular DVD Set Price: $896.00

To purchase this DVD set, ADD TO CART and then proceed to purchase with your credit card. You do not need a Paypal account to use your credit card.  We however utilize PayPal to process credit card purchases.

If you need to purchase through company invoicing, call us at 636.875.5088.

About CE Contact Hours:

Excellentia Advisory Group LLC is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider CEP 15481

Issue Date: 4/6/2010; for 14 contact hours.

Refund Policy:

All cancellations and requests for refund must be received prior to the start date of the course or otherwise non-refundable.  A 10% cancellation fee will be applied to the refund to offset our event planning administrative and speakers fee costs.  We will allow replacement or substitute products to cover for the refund beyond the event date. All requests for cancellation and refund should be sent to