Series 1: 15 DVD SET--Infection Prevention Strategies Conference

Series 1

Infection Prevention Strategies Conference

This is a DVD set containing a video recording of our 2-day infection control training events in St. Louis and Atlanta, GA. The presenters are trained or certified (CIC)  in infection control management. This DVD set contains 16 hours of presentation and offers 16 Contact Hours of continuing education.

Event DVD case open to Brenda Helms           Event DVD case open to Cathy Montgomery

BONUS DVD: Integrator Technologies (Steam Sterilization); We will throw in this extra DVD as a bonus when you purchase the set.

Availability: In stock

Series 1

Infection Prevention Strategies Conference

This 2-day event was recorded and is now made available in a DVD set covering all infection control training sessions from both our St. Louis and Atlanta seminars. This 15-DVD set contains the best of the two venues.

Want to learn more....

Who Should Purchase:

  • Ambulatory Surgery Centers
  • Hospital Outpatient Surgery Centers
  • Physician Office-Based Surgery
  • AAAHC and/or other Accredited Facilities
  • Hospitals


March 4-5, 2011 St. Louis, (St. Charles) Missouri  and May 6-7, 2011 Atlanta, GA. on-site seminars

The best of these 2 events were recorded and now available on DVD.  This DVD set includes 15 DVD's and 1 CD containing handouts and documents relating to the respective seminar presentation.

Why Should You Purchase:

CMS mandates infection control training and CMS will be looking for evidence of training during upcoming on-site ASC surveys. There is more focus on infection control than ever before and more risk associated with being out of compliance.

This DVD set offers you an alternative of seeing a 2-day seminar thus like going to a conference without the hassle & expense of travel + all your staff gets trained!!

16 Contact Hours Continuing Education for all staff


Finally ….no travel, no hotel, no time away from your facility, and  watch on your schedule all at once or spread out over the next year!! New employee(s)? Set them up for training without additional costs.  

·       16 Hours of continuing education for all licensed clinicians who view & participate

·       As an option, customize your training to a monthly in-service schedule 

·       Use them as a "lunch-n-learn" program 

·      Customized Certificates of Participation for all clinicians that view & participate in the training.  This is an on-going program ie:  if you use these DVD's to train new hires at a later date, you can email us the participant's name and information and Excellentia will create and forward a Certificate of Participation and grant 1 Contact Hour of education for each DVD seen.

· get the documentation that you need to show your CMS surveyors as proof of infection control training!

·       DVD set allows you to train all your clinical staff as well as medical staff for the price of what it would normally cost one person to travel to a 2-day seminar.

This is what you get:


DVD #1:   Infection Prevention Goals by Cathy Montgomery, RN

                 Component's of Today's Requirement by Mary Bennett, RN, CIC

DVD #2:   Accrediting & Regulatory Agencies in the ASC Setting by Mary Andrus, RN, CIC

DVD #3:   Chain of Infection & Epidemiology by Kathleen McMullen, MPH, CIC

DVD #4:   Microbiology; What you Need to Know in the ASC Setting by Paula Bullock, M.Ed, MT(ASCP), CIC

DVD#5:    Transmission Prevention Strategies/Transmission-based Precautions by Brenda Helms, BSN, MBA/HCM, CIC

DVD#6:    Multiple Drug Resistent Organisms/ What You Should Do? by Kathleen McMullen MPH, CIC

DVD #7:    QAPI for Infection Control by Brenda Helms, BSN, MBA/HCM, CIC

DVD #8:    Tracking Surgical Site Infections by Susan Soetaert, RN, BSN, CIC

DVD #9:    Disinfection & Sterilization by Beth Ann Ayala, MT, MS, MBA, CIC

DVD #10:  Surgical Attire, Laundry and Environment by Mary Bennett, RN, CIC

DVD #11:  Sustainable Cleaning in the Operating Room by Mark Regna MBA, MHA, CHESP, CHCM

DVD #12:  Traffic Control in the Operating Room by Beth Ann Ayala, MT, MS, MBA, CIC

DVD #13:  Employee Health & Education by Susan Soetaert, RN, BSN, CIC

DVD #14:  Medication Safety in the Perioperative Setting by Chuck Wilson, RPh

DVD #15:  Patient Education by Mary Bennett, RN, CIC

BONUS DVD:  Integrator Technologies (Steam Sterilization) by Rodney Gray, CSPDT, BMET Senior Consumables Specialist - Getinge USA, Inc

Continue if you wish to order the DVD set.

Sessions were taught by CIC’s and other experts within infection control. There will be much focus on infection control and compliance to CMS for ambulatory centers.